
Incidents Surrounding Covid-19 ( July 1 - 15, 2020)


COCAP’s “COVID-19 Biweekly” covers the incidents related to gender based violence (GBV) and COVID-19 from July 1 - 15, 2020.

From July 1 - 15, 2020, COCAP’s Nepal Peace Monitoring Project (PMP) recorded 18 incidents related to COVID-19. Majority of incidents were of protests against the government with citizens taking to the streets demanding better and efficient action to prevent the spread of COVID-19 with increased polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, need of proper management of quarantine centers and businessmen demanding economic support from the government. Of the total COVID-19 related incidents three were violent and 15 were non violent incidents of protest. 

From July 1 - 15, 50 cases of gender based violence (GBV) were recorded in which 38 victims of sexual assault were below the age of 26. GBV itself is a crisis in our communities but the pandemic has made victims furthermore vulnerable to abuse. It is important to note that both males and females face GBV but according to our data the majority of victims are women and girls. 

This bi-weekly report is aimed to inform our readers on the added crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic which has affected everyone's livelihood and made some group of people even more vulnerable. Until July 15, the total number of positive cases reached 17,177 with 39 deaths.