Starting this month, Nepal Monitor will release a bi-monthly report, which will summarize interesting patterns or trends in reports recorded by our team. Each report will highlight key categories — including, but not limited to, human rights abuses, gender-based violence, or security threats — and offer basic descriptive statistics on the incidence of each category in the dataset. We will also include maps to give our readers a feel for the spatial distribution of human right and security incidents in Nepal. We hope that this report will be of value to Nepal watchers and human rights defenders everywhere.
For May and June 2016, NepalMonitor.org recorded 474 reports related to human rights and security in Nepal. Of these, 280 reports were related to gender-based violence, politically disruptive behavior, and human rights.
Gender-Based Violence
There were 154 reports related to gender-based violence recorded in May and June. The majority of these reports fell into four categories: 76 featured rape or attempted rape, 38 featured child abuse, and 19 related to each of domestic violence and human trafficking (some incidents may feature multiple subcategories. Thus, summing the number of incidents for each subcategory would yield a number greater than 154). Fifteen reports, the plurality, were in Kathmandu. The majority of reports were located in the Terai, with the greatest concentration of reports in the Eastern Development Region; Siraha and Saptari alone saw a combined 23 reports (see Figures 1 and 2).