Incident Reports

Man Arrested On Charge of Beating Wife




चितवन । चैत १ गते


भरतपुर नपा-११, गणेशथानकी ३९ वर्षीया फुलमाया नेपालीलाई कुटपिट गरेको आरोपमा सोही स्थान बस्ने उनका पति ४१ वर्षीय रामबहादुर नेपालीलाई ०६९ फागुन ३० गते प्रहरीले गिरफ्तार गरेको छ ।


रामबहादुरले आफुलाई ०६९ फागुन २९ गते कुटपिट गरी घाइते बनाएको भनि पीडित महिलाले जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा उजुरी दिइकी थिइन् । शरीरभरि निलडाम हुने गरी पत्नीलाई कुटपिट गर्ने रामबहादुरलाई उजुरी परेकै दिन प्रहरीले गिरफ्तार गरेको हो । उनको भरतपुर अस्पतालमा उपचार भएको थियो । पीडितको घाँउजाँच गरी आवश्यक अनुसन्धान पश्चात कानुनी कारवाही अगाडि बढाउने जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयका इन्सपेक्टर किशोर श्रेष्ठले बताए । पतिले आफुलाई बिना कारण पटक पटक कुटपिट गर्दै आएको र सहन नसकी न्याय माग्दै प्रहरीमा आएको पीडित फुलमायाले बताइन् ।


Chitwan/ March 14

Ram Bahadur Nepali, 41, of BharatpurN.P.11 has been arrested by the police on March 13 on charge of beating his wife Phul Maya Nepali, 39.


The victim lodged a complaint against her husband at District Police Office, accusing him of beating and injuring her on March 12. The accused was arrested by the police on the same day the complaint was lodged. The victim received medical treatment at Bharatpur Hospital. Legal actions will be initiated after her treatment, said Inspector Kishore Shrestha of District police office.


According to the victim, her husband had been repeatedly beating her and she was compelled to report to the police after the beating was unbearable.

Sabitri Sapkota


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