Incident Reports

Adarsha Samaj: Child rights activist beats 15 year old boy


Gandaki, Kaski, Pokhara Lekhnath, Ward 6

Shanti Basnet, a child rights activist has been arrested on September 5, Monday for beating a child. After being hit by Basnet with a wooden stick, 15-year-old Prabhat Gurung has been taken to Fishtail Hospital for treatment. According to a neighbor, Basnet's mother Krishna Kumari had scolded Prabhat on 4 September for stepping on the water pipe while cycling in the nearby area. Next morning when Prabhat was in the same area, Shanti Basnet threw a wooden stick which hit his leg and injured him. Police took both mother and daughter to Ward Police Ofice of Baidaam. Further investigation is being carried out in matter according to Ward Chief, Inspector Mohanmani Adhikari. आँफै बालबालिकाको अधिकारको क्षेत्रमा कार्यरत शान्ती बस्नेतले सोमबार २० गते एक बालकलाई हिंड्नै नसक्ने गरी कुटपिटमा उत्रिएपछी प्रहरी हिरासतमा छिन् । बस्नेतले छिमेकि १५ वर्षिय बालकलाई चिर्पटले हानेपछी घाइते प्रभात गुरुङलाई फिस्टेल हस्पिटलमा उपचारकालागि भर्ना गरिएको छ । छिमेकिका अनुसार केही दिन अगी प्रभात साइकल चलाएर खेल्ने क्रममा बस्नेतको घर अगाडि पुगेको बेला पानीको पाइप कुल्चिने भन्दै बस्नेतकी आमा कृष्णकुमारीले प्रभातलाई गाली गरिन् । त्यसपछी प्रभात पनि विवादमा उत्रिएको उनले पनि स्विकारेकी छिन् । सोमबार बिहानै पुन : प्रभात साइकल खेल्दै बस्नेतको घरअगाडी पुग्दा शान्तिले एक्कासी चिर्पटले खुट्टामा प्रहार गरेको प्रभातकी आमा गुरुङले बताइन्। प्रहरी पुगेपछी शान्तिका आमाछोरिलाई वडा प्रहरी कार्यालय बैदाम लगिएको छ । घटनामा सङ्लग्नलाई थुनामा राखिएको र आवश्यक अनुसन्धान भईरहेको वडा प्रमुख ईन्स्पेक्टर मोहनमणी अधिकारीले जानकारी दिए
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons Blunt weapon
Primary Cause Other non-economic personal issues (revenge, passion etc.)
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Injured 1
Youth Injured 1
Local Newspaper - Kaski