Incident Reports

Minor found murdered in Birgunj


Madhes, Parsa, Birgunj, Ward 14

A nine-year-old boy was found murdered in Birgunj this morning. The body of Rajan Patel, son of Binod Patel of Bhaluhi of Ramnagar VDC-8, Parsa was recovered near the Birgunj Sugar Mill this morning. The boy was living with his uncle at Radhemai of Birgunj Sub-Metropolitan City-16 for study. He had multiple injuries on his eyes, stomach and upper limbs, according to the District Police. Deputy Superintendent of Police Chakra Bahadur Joshi said that investigation into the case was underway. The boy had been missing since last evening (around 6:00 pm). He had left the house citing that he was joining his friends for the local Dashain fair. His uncle Brij Kishore Patel had informed police about his disappearance last night itself as he did not return till late night. Meanwhile, a toy was found from the incident site, police said. वीरगन्जमा एक बालकको हत्या भएको छ । पर्साको रामनगरी गाविस वडा नम्बर ८ भलुही निवासी विनोद पटेलका नौ वर्षका छोरा राजन पटेलको हत्या भएको हो । अध्ययनका लागि वीरगन्ज उपमहानगरपालिका वडा नम्बर १६ राधेमाइमा अवस्थित काका बृजकिशोर पटेलसंगै बस्दै आएका राजनको शव वीरगन्ज चिनिमिल आवास क्षेत्र भन्दा पश्चिम जाने बाटोमा बिहिबार बिहान फेला परेको हो । मृतक बालकको आखाँ, पेट र हातमा धारिलो बस्तुले प्रहार गरेको अवस्थामा शव फेला परेको वडा प्रहरी कार्यालय श्रीपुरले जनाएको छ । बुधबार साँझ ६ बजे तिर आफना साथीहरुसंग दसैंको मेला हेर्न घरबाट निस्केका राजन राति अबेरसम्म पनि घर नफर्किएपछि उनका काका बृजकिशोर पटेलले बुधबार राति वडा प्रहरी कार्यालय श्रीपुरमा खबर गरेका थिए । प्रहरीले रातभरी खोजी गर्दा पनि फेला नपरेका राजन बिहिबार बिहान मृत अवस्थामा भेटिएको वडा प्रहरी कार्यालय श्रीपुरका प्रहरी निरिक्षक ऋषि ढुंगानाले बताए । शव नजिकै खेलौना समेत भेटिएको उनले जानकारी दिए । मृतक बालकको शव पोष्टमार्टमका लागि नारायणी उपक्षेत्रीय अस्पतालमा राखिएको छ ।यसैबिच प्रहरीले अनुसन्धानका लागि बुधबार साँझ राजनसंग मेला हेर्न गएका दुइ जना बालकलाइ नियन्त्रणमा लिएकोछ । उनीहरुको परिचय भने खुलाएको छैन । घटनाका बारेमा अनुसन्धान भइरहेको प्रहरी निरिक्षक ढुंगानाले बताए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons Sharp weapon
Primary Cause Unclear
Secondary Cause Personal issues (DO NOT USE ANYMORE!)
Actor 1 - Number of people 2
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Killed 1
Youth Killed 1
National/Online Media , INSEC