Incident Reports

Managing Director of Chitwan Medical College attacked


Bagmati, Chitawan, Bharatpur

Dr Harish Neupane (MD), Managing Director of Bharatpur Chitwan College was attacked on Tuesday afternoon in hospital premises. Neupane was attacked around 4:30 pm by attackers in 3/4 number while he was about to leave hospital on car. The front side of vehicle was vandalized when hit by cricket stamp. "When I was about to leave hospital, a guy greeted and approached for conversation, i later realized other people. When the car stopped they hit the car with cricket stamp and ran away. I was inside the car so was saved from casualty, only the front side of car was vandalized. I am not able to think about the reason of attack", said Dr Neupane. According to Deepak Thapa, SP and Chief of Chiwan District Police Office, police were sent to site immediately after receiving the information. He further added, "We have deployed a team of police for searching the attackers under the command of DSP and trying to figure them out on the basis of the information collected from different sources". He said that the debate in hospital lately could be possible reason of attack. According to source, there were agitations few time back regarding to the death of new mother and fight with the family of a sick child. SP Thapa stated, "we are not under the situation to say exactly what the reason of attack is, but we are considering different aspects to figure out the situation". भरतपुरको चितवन मेडिकल कलेजका प्रवन्ध निर्देशक (एमडी) डा.हरिश न्यौपानेमाथि मंगलबार दिउँसो अस्पताल परिसरभित्रै आक्रमणको भएको छ। कलेजको शिक्षण अस्पतालबाट गाडी चढेर बाहिरिदै गरेका न्यौपानेमाथि दिउँसो सवा चार बजे तीन चारजना युवाहरुले आक्रमण गरेका थिए। उनीहरुले क्रिकेटको स्टम्पले गाडीमाथि हान्दा अगाडीको शिशा फुटेको छ। ‘म अस्पतालबाट बाहिरिदै गर्दा एकजना युवाले नमस्कार गरे र केही कुरा गर्न लागे । सँगै अरु युवाहरु पनि रहेछन् । गाडी रोकिएको बेला उनीहरुले क्रिकेटको स्टम्पले हाने र भागे । म गाडी भित्रै थिए। गाडीको अगाडीको सिसा पुट्यो । मलाइ भने खासै केही भएको छैन’ डा.न्यौपानेले भने। प्रहार किन भयो भन्ने बारे केही सोच्न नसकेको उनले बताए। आक्रमणको जानकारी आउँदा साथ प्रहरी परिचालन गरेको चितवन जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयका प्रमुख, प्रहरी उपरीक्षक (एसपी) दीपक थापाले बताए। ‘हामीले डिएसपीको नेतृत्वमा आक्रमणकारी खोज्न टोली खटाएका छौं । विभिन्न जानकारीहरु बटुलेर आक्रमणकारीको पहिचान गर्दै छौं’ एसपी थापाले भने। अस्पतालमा हुने गरेका पछिल्ला विवादका कारण आक्रमण हुने सम्भावना रहेको उनले बताए। अस्पतालमा केही समयअघि एकजना सुत्केरीको निधन भएपछि अस्पताल विरुद्ध आन्दोलनसमेत भएको थियो। ‘केही दिनअघि पनि एकजना बिरामी बच्चाको आफन्तले अस्पतालमा झगडा गरेको भन्ने सुन्नमा आएको छ । अहिले नै यही कारणले आक्रमणको प्रयास भयो भनेर भन्ने अवस्था चाही छैन। तर हामी विभिन्न पाटोमा रहेर बुझ्दै छौं’ एसपी थापाले भने।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Vandalism
Weapons Blunt weapon
Primary Cause Unclear
Actor 1 - Number of people 4
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth youth
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Totally damaged Vehicles 1
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Dhanusha


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