Incident Reports

Arrested on charge of murder


Karnali, Salyan, Sharada

Police have arrested 19 years old Deepak Bhandari on February 7 on charge of murdering his aunty Tika Oli,60 of Bagchaur Municipality-3 by hitting her with wooden stick. Police had recovered the body from 30m away from the incident site covered by tree leaves according to DSP Shyam Bahadur Khatri. The reason behind the incident is unknown yet and investigation has been initiated. The postmortem of the body is conducted at District Hospital of Salyan on February 8. वागचौर नपा-३ की ६० वर्षीया फुपू टिकी वलीलाई लाठीले हिर्काएर हत्या गरेको आरोपमा प्रहरीले सोही ठाउँका १९ वर्षीय भदो भाइ दिपक भण्डारीलाई माघ २५ गते गिरफ्तार गरेको छ । घरमा रहेकी फुपूलाई माघ २५ गते लाठीले हिर्काइ हत्या गरी घरबाट करिब ३० मिटर टाढा खोल्सामा रूखका पातहरूले छोपेको अवस्थामा शव फेला परेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयका डिएसपी श्यामबहादुर खत्रीले बताए । हत्याको कारण भने खुल्न नसकेको र घटनाको विषयमा थप अनुसन्धान भइरहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । शवको पोष्टमार्टम जिल्ला अस्पताल सल्यानमा माघ २६ गते भएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । प्रहरीका अनुसार मृतकको टाउकोमा चोट लागेको र आँखा फुटेको थियो ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Murder/attempted Murder
Weapons Blunt weapon
Primary Cause Other non-economic personal issues (revenge, passion etc.)
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Family/relative
Actor 1 - Youth youth
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Family/relative
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Total Killed 1
Female Killed 1