Incident Reports

Loktantra: Man shot by neighbor in dispute over tobacco


Madhes, Parsa, Paterwasugauli

A man has shot his neighbor in Sonbarsa Kanhauli Murha Village when the later rejected to lend tobacco. The injured has been receiving treatment in PHC Hospital. Police found the bullets and the jacket of injured from the incident spot. Satendra Mandal, the injured of the incident has said in his statement, "Talwar Mahato, my neighbor had asked me for tobacco, when I refused to give it to him, the debate started. He got angry and shot me." Mandal survived without serious injuries as the bullet went through his left hand. सोनवार्षाको कन्हौली मुरहा गाउँमा सुर्ती नदिएपछि एकजना छिमेकीले अर्का छिमेकीलाई गोली हानी घाइते बनाएको छ । गोली लागि घाइते व्यक्तिलाई सोनवर्षाको पीएचसीमा भर्ती गरि उपचार भइरहेको छ । सोनवर्षाबाट खटिएको प्रहरीको टोलीलाई घटना स्थलबाट गोलीको खोखा र घाइते व्यक्तिको ज्याकेट बरामद गरेको छ । घाइते मुरहा ग्राम निवासी सत्येन्द मण्डलले आफ्नो बयानमा प्रहरीलाई भनेका छन् । ‘छिमेकी तलवर महतोले मसँग सुर्ती दिन माग गरेको थियो । सुर्ती दिन नमानेपछि हामीबीच विवाद शुरु भयो । रिसको आवेगमा महतोले ममाथि गोली चलायो’ । संयोगले गोली देब्रे हातमा लागि बाहिर गएकोले घाइते मण्डललाई गोलीले ठूलो घाउ बनाउन सकेन । घाइते मण्डलको सोनवर्षामा उपचार भइरहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons Small arms
Primary Cause Other non-economic personal issues (revenge, passion etc.)
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth unknown
Total Injured 1
Local Newspaper - Sarlahi