Incident Reports

Wife Complains Against Bigamous Husband


Bagmati, Chitawan, Kalika

Chitwan/May 6 Purna Maya Shrestha, 39, of Jutpani VDC-8 has filed a complaint at District Police Office against Cheej Bahadur Shrestha, 45, on May 6 on charge of bigamy. According to Purna Maya, her husband got married to Jamuna Shrestha also known as Rupa, 30, of Dhading. She said in her complaint that though she had heard about the marriage but it was confirmed when he brought her home on April 30. She also complained that Cheej Bahadur had been deprived her of food and clothing. Sabitri Sapkota चितवन । वैशाख २३ गते जुटपानी गाविस-८ का ४५ वर्षीय चीजबहादुर श्रेष्ठले बहुबिवाह गरेको भनी उनकी जेठी पत्नी ३९ वर्षीया पूर्णमाया श्रेष्ठले ०७० वैशाख २३ गते जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा उजुरी दिएकी छन् । चीजबहादुरले धादिङ्ग घर भएकी ३० वर्षीया रुपा भन्ने जमुना श्रेष्ठसँग दोस्रो बिवाह गरेको भनि पूर्णमायाले प्रहरीमा उजुरी दिएकी हुन् । चीजबहादुरले पहिले नै जमुनालाई बाहिर बाहिर राख्दै आएको सुने पनि ०७० वैशाख १७ गते घरमा ल्याएपछि मात्र पतिले बहुबिवाह गरेको थाहा भएको उनको भनाइ छ । बहुबिवाह गरेपछि चीजबहादुरले पूर्णमायालाई खानलाउन नदिई घरबाट निकालेको उनले दुखेसो पोखिन् । सावित्री सापकोटा


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