Incident Reports

65 political parties demonstrate demanding election symbol


Bagmati, Kathmandu, Kathmandu, Ward 28

65 political parties including Naya Shakti Nepal staged a demonstration in Kathmandu today protesting against the Election Commission's decision to deny them their own party's symbol during local level election. The protesting political parties have accused the government of crushing their constitutional rights to participate in local level election with their own party's symbol. The demonstration led by Naya Shakti Nepal converged into a mass assembly at Shantibatika in Ratnapark. नयाँ शक्ति पार्टीसहित दलीय चुनाव चिन्हबाट बञ्चित ६५ राजनीतिक दलहरुले आज काठमाडौंमा प्रर्दशन गरेका छन् । उनीहरुले चुनावमा भाग लिनको लागि दलीय चुनाव चिन्ह पाउनुपर्ने आफ्नो संवैधानिक अधिकारलाई सरकारले कुण्ठीत गरेको आरोप लगाएका छन् । यसको नेतृत्व नयाँ शक्ति पार्टी नेपालले गरेको छ । उनीहरुले संयुक्त राजनीतिक संघर्ष समिति बनाएर दलीय चुनाव चिन्हका लागि दबाबमूलक कार्यक्रमहरु गर्दै आएका छन् ।सोही क्रममा आगामी आज काठमाडौं रत्नपार्कस्थित शान्तिबाटिकामा बृहत र्यालीसहित सभा गरेका हुन । यस अघि आन्दोलनकै क्रममा नयाँ शक्तिका संयोजक डा.बाबुराम भट्टराईसहितका नेताहरु १२ घण्टा प्रहरी नियन्त्रणमा बसेका थिए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Demonstration
Primary Cause Election-related incident
Actor 1 - Number of people 100
Actor 1 - Affiliations Naya Shakti
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Government and civil servants at central level
Actor 2 - Youth na
National/Online Media