Incident Reports

Govt employee held for bribery


First class non-gazetted officer Kedar Nath Khanal of District Hospital Khotang was held today for taking bribe from as many as 13 persons with the false assurance that he would get them jobs as Assistant Health Worker in the hospital. Three months ago, The eastern regional Health Directorate had announced vacancies for 30 individuals for AHWs on contractual basis. Khanal was arrested after victims filed a case against him with the police when they were later not selected for the posts. As per the complaints, the alleged had collected Rs 20,000 to Rs 50,000 per person from the victims. Security personnel held Khanal from the hospital and handed him over to District Administration Office. Preliminary investigation has found that the money Khanal collected was with Gyan Prasad Pokhrel of eastern regional Health Service Directorate, Dhankuta. Pokhrel accepted the charge and vowed to return the money with interest. The Nepali Congress padlocked the administration office of the hospital and demanded stern action against the guilty today. “We have submitted a three-minute long video in which Khanal has clearly accepted that he took the bribe money from 13 examinees,” said NC leader Tirtha Raj Bhattarai. Meanwhile, Chief District Officer Prahlad Pokhrel said that action would be taken after necessary probe. Khanal has served as a civil servant for 30 years and was in line to be promoted to officer’s post this year, before his compulsory retirement after two years अहेबको जागिर लगाइदिन्छु भन्दै घुस लिने जिल्ला अस्पताल खोटाङका नायब सुब्बा पक्राउ परेका छन्। अस्थायी करारमा अहेबको जागिर खान फारम भरेका १३ जना आवेदकबाट प्रतिव्यक्ति ३५ हजार रुपैयाँका दरले घुस लिने अस्पतालका नायब सुब्बा केदारनाथ खनाल आइतबार पक्राउ परेका हुन्। अस्पताल परिसरबाटै पक्राउ परेका नासु खनाललाई जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय खोटाङका प्रहरी टोलीले नियन्त्रणमा लिएर जिल्ला प्रशासनमा बुझाएको छ। खनालले आवेदकबाट आफूले घुस लिएको स्वीकार गर्दै तत्काल सावाब्याज फिर्ता दिने बताएका छन्। पक्राउ परेका खनालका बारेमा थप अनुसन्धान भइरहेको प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी प्रह्लाद पोखरेलले बताए। “उनले कमजोरी गरेकै भन्ने बुझिएको छ”– उनले भने, “छानबिन गरेर कारबाहीको प्रक्रिया अगाडि बढाउँछु।” नासु खनालले आवेदकबाट घुस लिएको थाहा पाएपछि नेपाली काँग्रेस खोटाङले अस्पतालमा तालाबन्दी गरेको छ। भ्रष्टचारीलाई कारबाहीको दायरामा ल्याउन माग गर्दै काँग्रेसले आइतबार बिहानैदेखि अस्पतालमा तालाबन्दी गरेको हो। पूर्वाञ्चल क्षेत्रीय स्वास्थ्य सेवा निर्देशनालय धनकुटाले गत माघमा खोटाङका लागि ३० जना अहेबको अस्थायी करार कोटा खुलाएको थियो। नासु खनालले घुस लिएका व्यक्ति कोही पनि नपरेपछि उक्त विषय बाहिर आएको थियो। तीस वर्ष लामो अवधिसम्म सेवा गरेका नासु खनाल यसै वर्ष अधिकृतको बढुवा लाइनमा रहेका अस्पताल स्रोतले जनाएको छ। दुई वर्षमात्र सेवा अवधि रहेका खनालको उक्त काण्डले जागिरसमेत धरापमा परेको छ। रासस


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