Incident Reports

Woman Expelled by In-laws


Arghakhanchi/May 27 Shova Gaire, 23, of Maidan VDC-1 has been expelled from her house by her father in-law Motilal Gaire and mother in-law Jam Kala Gaire. The victim has lodged a complaint at Women and Children"s Office and District Police Office on May 27 accusing them of depriving her from food and not taking care of her. She has stated in her complaint that the family has been ill-treating her after her husband died a year ago. Narayan Bhushal अर्घाखाँची । जेठ १३ गते मैदान गाविस-१ निवासी २३ वर्षीया शोभा गैरेलाई ससुरा मोतीलाल गैरे, सासू जमकला गैरेलगायत परिवारका सदस्यहरूले घर निकाला गरेका छन् । खान बस्न नदिने हेरचाह नगरेको भन्दै जेठ १३ गते महिला तथा बालबालिका कार्यलय र जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यलयमा पीडितले लिखित निवेदन दिएकी छिन । पीडितको पतिको ०६८ असार २३ गते मृत्यु भए पश्चात परिवारले बिभिन्न समयमा उनलाई दुर्व्यवहार गर्दै आएको निवेदनमा उल्लेख छ । नारायण भुसाल


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