Incident Reports

Woman accused of theft smeared black


Lumbini, Bardiya, Barbardiya, Ward 9

A group led by two women publicly humiliated 25-year-old Geeta Shahi, a resident of Bardiya Municipality-9, by smearing her with black soot and putting a garland of shoes around her neck on Monday evening, accusing her of stealing NRs 8000. Police have taken Sakuni Chaudhary, one of the accused, into custody for investigation. However, locals have come in Sakuni's defence, stating that she was not involved in the incident. Around 50-60 people were present while Shahi was being smeared with black sooth. Police have said that public offense case will be registered against the ones involved the incident. चोरेको आरोपमा बर्दिया बारबर्दिया नपा—९ खैरेनीकी एक महिलालाई स्थानीयको उपस्थितिमा कालोमोसो र जुत्ताको माला लगाइएकाे छ । २५ वर्षीया गीता शाहीमाथि ८ हजार चोरेको भन्दै सोही ठाउँकी दुई महिलाको नेतृत्वमा कालोमोसो लगाइएको हो । ईलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय, बाँसगढीका प्रहरी निरीक्षक चक्र डम्बर पालले सकुनी चौधरीलाई कालोमोसो लगाएको भन्दै अनुसन्धानका लागि नियन्त्रणमा लिएको बताए । सकुनीको ८ हजार रुपैयाँ चोरी भएको प्रहरीको भनाइ छ । स्थानीयले सकुनीले कालोमोसो नलगाएको दाबी गरेका छन् । कालोमोसो लगाउने योजनाकार र नेतृत्व गर्ने दुई महिलालाई प्रहरीले पक्राउ नगरेको भन्दै आक्रोश पोखेका छन् । सोमबार राति करिब सात बजे कालोमोसो लगाउँदा गाउँका ५०/६० जनाको उपस्थिति थियो, स्थानीयले नाम नलेखी दिन आग्रह गर्दै भने । घटनास्थल सदरमुकाम गुलरियादेखि करिब २५ किमि उत्तरमा पर्दछ । प्रहरीले कालोमोसो लगाउनेमाथि सार्वजनिक मुद्दा दर्ता गरी कारबाही गर्ने जनाएको छ ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Public humiliation
Primary Cause Extra-judicial response to crime
Actor 1 - Number of people 2
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth youth
National/Online Media