Incident Reports

One shot dead in Rautahat


Madhes, Rautahat, Paroha, Ward 2

An unidentified group shot dead a 22-year-old man at Jingadawa in Paroha Municipality-2 of Rautahat district on Monday. According to the District Police Office, Rautahat, the deceased has been identified as Sheikh Abbu Shaheb, son of Sheikh Sherajuddin, ward chair candidate from the Nepali Congress in the recently concluded third phase of local level elections. Police said that the incident occurred while he was sleeping at the courtyard of his house at around 4 am today. Shaheb, who sustained bullet injuries on his chest, breathed his last on the way to the District Hospital, Gaur. The body has been kept at the Gaur Hospital for postmortem. Police said that they have arrested Suraj Kumar Sah, 22, son of Manoj Kumar Sah of Parohi Municipality-1 for his alleged involvement in the firing. CPN (Maoist Centre) candidate Mahomman Ejajur Rahaman was elected chairman of the Paroha Municipality-2. Meanwhile, NC cadres have said that Shaheb was murdered under the direction of Maoist Centre leaders. Police said that they are investigating into the case. अज्ञात समूहले रौतहटको परोहा नगरपालिका २ जिंगडवामा सोमबार बिहान गोली हानी एक युवकको हत्या गरेको छ । मृत्यु हुने हालै सम्पन्न स्थानिय तहको निर्वाचनमा वडा नं.२ का वडाध्यक्षका प्रत्याशी नेपाली कांग्रसका शेख शेराजुदिनका छोरा २४ वर्षीय अख्तर भन्ने शेख अब्बु सोहेब रहेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले जनाएको छ । आफ्नै घरको आंगनमा सुतिरहेकको अवस्थामा बिहान करीब ४ बजे सोहेब उपर गोली प्रहार भएको पीडित परिवारलाई उदृत गर्दै सुरक्षा अधिकारीले बताएका छन् । शरीरमा गोली लागेका घाइते सोहेबलाई उपचारको लागि जिल्ला अस्पताल गौरमा ल्याउने क्रममा बाटोमै मृत्यु भएको हो । मृतको शव परीक्षणको लागि गौर अस्पतालमा राखिएको र घटनाबारे थप अनुसन्धान सुरु गरिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । घटनामा संलग्न रहेको आशंकामा प्रहरीले परोहा नगरपालिका १ का मनोज कुमार साहका छोरा २२ वर्षीय प्रदीप भन्ने सुरज कुमार साहलाई अनुसन्धानको लागि नियन्त्रणमा लिएको जनाएको छ । उक्त वडामा माओवादी केन्द्रका महम्मद एजाजुर रहमान विजयी भएका छन् । कांग्रेसी नेता कार्यर्ताले माओवदीले हत्या गराउन लगाएको आरोप लगाएका छन् ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Murder/attempted Murder
Weapons Small arms
Primary Cause Unclear
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations CPN (Maoist Center) and affiliated org
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Nepali Congress and affiliated org
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Killed 1
Youth Killed 1
National/Online Media , INSEC , Police website , Local Newspaper - Parsa , Local Newspaper - Dhanusha , Local Newspaper - Morang