Incident Reports

Three cadres of the Biplav-led party held


Province 1, Jhapa, Kankai

The District Police Office, Jhapa has arrested three people on the charge of their involvement in activities directed at foiling the upcoming House of Representatives and State Assembly elections. They are the local leaders and cadres of the Biplav-led Nepal Communist Party, Deputy Superintendent of Police Bishnu KC said. Those arrested are Devi Prasain, the party's people's government chief for Kankai municipality, the party's district committee member Santosh Katuwal aka Saugat and another district member Lila Bahadur Lawoti. They were arrested on Sunday. RSS झापा आसन्न प्रतिनिधिसभा सदस्य र प्रदेशसभा सदस्य निर्वाचनलाई प्रभावित पार्ने गतिविधिमा संलग्न रहेको आरोपमा जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय झापाले तीन जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको छ । पक्राउ पर्नेमा तीनै जना विप्लव नेतृत्वको नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीका स्थानीय नेता तथा कार्यकर्ता रहेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय झापाका प्रहरी उपरीक्षक विष्णु केसीले जनाकारी दिए । प्रहरी उपरीक्षक केसीका अनुसार कनकाई नगरपालिकाका जनसरकार प्रमुख देवी प्रसार्इं, झापा जिल्ला सदस्य सौगात भनिने सन्तोष कटुवाल र लीलाबहादुर लावती रहेका छन् । उनीहरुलाई आइतबार निर्वाचनलाई प्रभावित पार्ने गतिविधिमा संलग्न रहेको अवस्थामा नियन्त्रणमा लिएको बताइएको छ ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Arrest (politically significant)
Secondary Form Other forms of non-violent protest
Primary Cause Election-related incident
Actor 1 - Number of people 3
Actor 1 - Affiliations CPN (Chand) and affiliated org
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Other state institutions
Actor 2 - Youth na
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Jhapa