Incident Reports

IED detonated targeting Left Alliance and Independent candidate in Udayapur


Province 1, Udayapur, Udayapurgadhi, Ward 7

An IED was detonated at Naretar of Udayapurgadhi rural municipality-7 on Friday evening targeting Left Alliance candidate for parliament member from constituency number 2 of Udayapur, Suresh Kumar Rai and independent candidate for state assembly member Narayan Burja. DSP Nabaraj Bhatta of DPO Udayapur informed that no human casualty was caused due to the detonation. उदयुपुरमा उम्मेदवार लक्षित बम विस्फोट भएको छ । वाम गठबन्धनका तर्फबाट क्षेत्र नम्बर २ का प्रतिनिधि सभाका उम्मेदवार सुरेशकुमार राइ र प्रदेश सभा २ क का स्वतन्त्र उम्मेदवार नारायण बुर्जालाइ लक्षित गरी उदयपुरगढी गाउँपालिका ७ नरेटारमा साँझ विस्फोट भएको हो । नरेटारको निर्वाचन कायर्कम सकेर उम्मेदवार हिंडेपछी विस्फोट भएकोले कुनै क्षति नभएको उदयपुरका प्रहरी उपरीक्षक नबराज भट्टले बताउनुभयो ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Remote violence
Weapons Improvised explosive device (IED)
Primary Cause Election-related incident
Actor 1 - Number of people NA
Actor 1 - Affiliations Unclear
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Left Alliance (CPN-MC, UML & others)
Actor 2 - Youth unknown
National/Online Media , INSEC