Incident Reports

Sajha Kura: Women entrepreneurs demonstrate in the closed session of MCCI


Women entrepreneurs staged a demonstration in the 51st AGM of Makwanpur Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They protested as they weren't allowed to speak during the closed session. Neelam Pandey, President of Women Entrepreneurs Committee, wanted to say something when MCCI's President Rajkumar Neupane didn't allow her to speak. After that, the women entrepreneurs staged a demonstration. मकवानपुर उध्योग बाणिज्य संघ ५१ औं बार्षिक साधारणसभाको बन्दसत्रमा महिला उध्यमीहरुले बिरोध जनाएका छ्न्। बार्षिक साधारण सभा अन्तर्गत भएको बन्द सत्रमा मकवानपुर उध्योग बाणिज्य संघ महिला उध्यमी बिकास समितिलाई बोल्ने समय नदिएको भन्दै नेतृत्वको बिरोध गरिएको हो। बन्दसत्रमा महिला उध्यमी समिति अध्यक्ष निलम पाण्डेले बोल्ने समय माग्दा संघ अध्यक्ष राजकुमार न्यौपानेले कार्यसमिति सदस्य भन्दै समय नदिएपछि महिलाहरु बिरोधमा उत्रिएका हुन्।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Demonstration
Primary Cause Contestation over non-elective positions and influence
Actor 1 - Number of people 10
Actor 1 - Affiliations Labor organization, trade unions and other organizations based on economic demands , Labor organization, trade unions and other organizations based on economic demands
Actor 1 - Youth na
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Chamber of Commerce and entrepreneur's associations
Actor 2 - Youth na
Local Newspaper - Makwanpur