Incident Reports

Abducted Businessman Found Murdered


Madhes, Mahottari, Balwa

Mahattori, apharan pashchaat vyapari shahaniko hatya. Mahottari/July 29 Bikram Sahani, 24, of Sarpallo VDC-7 who was abducted on July 27 has been found murdered on July 29. SP Ram Prasad Shrestha of the District Police Office said that body of Bikram was found in the morning of July 29. He was abducted by an unidentified group from Sahani Sahasaula VDC-6 at around 10 pm on July 27 while returning home after selling fishes in the Pokharbhinda bazaar. His body was found in the field belonging to Ramananda Yadab at Sahasaula VDC-5. SP Shrestha informed that Bikram's eyes were covered with cloth band and his eyes were tied. Initial investigations of police hinted that Bikram succumbed to the severe beatings of the abductors. Police suspected that the abductors might have fled following Bikram's death. The deceased has bruises all over his body. According to police, Bikram's motorcycle was found at a field near Sonaul VDC. The abductors had demanded 10 lakh rupees from Bikram's father Ram Lakhan through a telephone call on July 28 for his release. They had threatened to kill Bikram if the ransom was not paid, according to Ram Lakhan. Family of Bikram who sold fish for income said that he was killed after they failed to provide the ransom amount. Ishwari Kafle महोतरी । ०७० साउन १४ गते सरपल्लो गाविस-७ निवासी माछा व्यापारी २४ वर्षीय विक्रम सहनीको अपहरण पश्चात ०७० साउन १४ गते हत्या भएको छ । व्यवापारी सहनीको हत्या गरिएको अवस्थामा साउन १४ गते विहान लास फेला परेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय महोत्तरीका एसपी रामप्रसाद श्रेष्ठले बताए । पोखरभिण्डा बजारबाट माछा बिक्री गरेर घर फर्कने क्रममा साउन १२ गते राती १० बजेदेखि सहनी सहसौला गाविस-६ बाट अज्ञात समूहको अपहरणमा परेका थिए । प्रहरी उपरीक्षक श्रेष्ठका अनुसार सहनीको सहसौला गाविस-५ स्थित रामानन्द यादवको खेतमा आँखामा कालोपट्टी र हात बाँधिएको अवस्था लास फेला परेको हो । अपहरणकारीको चरम यातना सहन नसक्दा सहनीको मृत्यु भएको हुनसक्ने प्रहरीको प्रारारम्भीक अनुसन्धानले देखाएको छ । सहनीको मृत्यु भएपश्चात अपहरणकारीहरू लास फालेर भागेको हुन सक्ने प्रहरीको भनाई छ । शरीरभरि गम्भीर चोट लागेको निल डाम देखिएको छ । प्रहरीका अनुसार सहनीले चलाएको ना.२३ प.८१२० नम्बरको मोटरसाइकल सोनौल गाविस नजिक खेतमा आज बिहान फेला परेको थियो । अपहरणकारीले साउन १३ गते बिहान ४ बजे मृतकका पिता रामलखन सहनीसँग १० लाख रूपियाँ फिरौती मागेका थिए । फिरौती नदिए छोराको हत्या गरीदिने धम्की दिएको पीडितका बुबा रामलखन सहनीले बताए । माछा व्यवसाय गर्दै आएका सहनी परिवारले माग अनुसारको फिरौँती रकम तिर्न नसक्दा नै विक्रमको हत्या भएको जनाएको छ । इश्वरी काफ्ले


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