Incident Reports

Claim of Caste-Based Discrimination Made


Bajhang/August 2 Deepak Nepali, 29, of Dewal of Rithapata VDC-8 has accused Mohan Bam, 45, of Paiyatola of the same VDC-5 of insulting him by caste-based abuses. Nepali said that Bam rebuffed him when he had gone to the local temple to worship by saying that a ‘dum’ (caste-based abuse for community of Pariyar) had come to the temple without taking off his slippers. Bam was summoned to the police station along with Nepali for discussion. The accused was released on the condition of not repeating such activity saying it was a minor incident. Prakash BK वझाङ । ०७० साउन १८ गते रिठापाटा गाविस-८ देवलका २९ वर्षीय दीपक नेपालीलाई सोही गाविस-५ पैयातोलाका ४५ वर्षीय मोहन बमले ०७० साउन १८ गते जातीय विभेद गरी गाली वेइज्जती गरेको आरोपमा पीडितले लगाएका छन् । सार्वजनिक मन्दिरमा फूलपाती चडाउन गएका नेपालीलाई "तँ डुम चप्पलै लगाएर मन्दिरमा आउने भइस्" भन्ने अपशव्द प्रयोग गरी गाली वेइज्जत गरेको पीडितल बताए । आरोपितलाई कानुनी कारबाहीका लागि पीडितले प्रहरीमा उजुरी दिँदा प्रहरीले दुवै पक्ष बोलाई सामान्य घटना हो, आइन्दा यस्तो व्यवहार नगर्ने शर्तमा मिलापत्र गरी छोडी दिएको पीडितले इन्सेक प्रतिनिधिलाई बताए । प्रकाश विक


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