Incident Reports

3 injured in clash during wedding ceremony


Madhes, Sarlahi, Malangawa, Ward 9

At least 3 persons were injured during a clash in Sarlahi district headquarter Malangawa on Friday. The clash ensued after locals of Malangawa municipality-9 Coldstore chowk objected to the loud noise and music played by attendants of a wedding ceremony there. According to SP Masaud Alam Khan Pinki Gupta, Daughter of Pintu Gupta of Malangawa-9 and son of Nageshwor Gupta of Chandrapur municipality-4 in Rautahat Ajaya Gupta were getting married in the wedding ceremony. According to him, 17-year-old Sasim Ansari, 23-year-old Dipendra Shah, and 15-year-old Dipak Gupta were injured in the clash. Situation of Dipak Gupta who sustained injury on the head is said to be serious. All the injured were referred to National Medical College in Birgunj on Saturday after undergoing basic treatment at Manalgawa hospital. Police have arrested 4 persons in connection with incident. सर्लाही सदरमुकाम मलंगवामा शुक्रबार मध्यराति विवाह मण्डपमा झडप हुँदा तीनजना घाइते भएका छन्। मदिरा सेवन गरेका मानिसले चर्को आवाजमा डिजे बजाएर होहल्ला गर्ने क्रममा मलंगवा नगरपालिका-९ कोल्ड स्टोर चोकमा जन्ती आएका व्यक्ति र स्थानीय वासिन्दा बीच झडप भएको हो। मलंगवा-९ का पिन्टु गुप्ताकी छोरी पिंकी गुप्ता र रौतहटको चंद्रपुर नगरपालिका-४ का नागेश्वर गुप्ताका छोरा अजय गुप्ताको विवाहमा झडप भएको सर्लाहीका प्रहरी प्रमुख एसपी मसाउद आलम खाँले जानकारी दिए। उनका अनुसार घटनामा केटा पक्षका चंद्रपुर नगरपालिका-४ बस्ने १७ बर्षीय ससिम अन्सारी, २३ बर्षीय दिपेन्द्र साह र १५ बर्षीय दिपक गुप्ता घाइते भएका छन्। उनीहरुमध्ये टाउकोमा गहिरो चोट लागेका १५ बर्षका दिपक गुप्ताको अवस्था चिन्ताजनक रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ। घाइते तीनैजनालाई जिल्ला अस्पताल मलंगवामा सामान्य उपचार गरी शनिबार बिहान नेसनल मेडिकल कलेज विरगंज रिफर गरिएको एसपी खाँले बताए। प्रहरीले घटनामा संलग्न चारजनालाई नियन्त्रणमा लिई अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको छ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Twosided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Group Clash
Weapons None , None
Primary Cause Other non-economic personal issues (revenge, passion etc.)
Actor 1 - Number of people 4
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals , Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth youth
Actor 2 - Number of people 4
Actor 2 - Affiliation Citizen/Individuals Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Injured 3
Youth Injured 3
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Dhanusha , Local Newspaper - Rautahat