Incident Reports

Religious activist shot, sustains injuries


Province 1, Morang, Biratnagar, Ward 14

An unidentified group has shot a religious leader in Biratnagar at an early hour on Sunday. The gunmen fired three rounds of the bullet at Shree Niwas Acharya at around 2 am. Acharya arrived at Jatuwa of Biratnagar Metropolis-14 for Shree Mad Bhagwat Saptah from Chakra Gharti of Sunsari. Acharya sustained the injury at left shoulder and is going under treatment at Neuro Hospital, according to DSP Bishnu Hari Koirala and added that he is out of danger. बिराटनगर महानगरपालिका– १४ स्थित जतुवामा गोली चल्दा एक जना घाइते भएका छन्। जतुवामा रहेको रामजानकी मन्दीरमा आज (आइतबार)बाट सुरु हुनलागेको श्रीमद भागवत सप्ताहमा कथा बाचनका लागि सुनसरीको चरकघर्तिबाट आएका श्रीनिवास आचार्य माथी गोली प्रहार भएको छ। आचार्यको बायाँ कुममा गोली लागेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय मोरङका प्रवक्ता डिएसपी बिष्णहरि कोइरालाले बताए। कोइरालाका अनुसार आइतबार बिहान दुई बजेतिर सौच गर्न निस्किदा आचार्य माथी गोली प्रहार भएको थियो। अहिले उनको विराटनगरस्थित न्यूरो अस्पतालमा उपचार भइरहेको छ। उनको अवस्था खतरामुक्त रहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Murder/attempted Murder
Weapons Homemade/traditional firearms
Primary Cause Religious sectarianism
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Hindu
Actor 1 - Youth noyouth
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Religious leader
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Total Injured 1
National/Online Media , INSEC , Local Newspaper - Dhanusha , Local Newspaper - Morang , Local Newspaper - Bara , Local Newspaper - Mahottari