Incident Reports

Cloth store owner murdered


Province 1, Jhapa, Damak

A cloth store owner was found murdered near Nepal-India border at Gaurigunj Rural Municipality-6 in Jhapa district on Tuesday morning. Police said the body of Khemraj Poudel, 38, of Damak Municipality, was found in a paddy field by some locals. He was out of contact with his family since Monday evening. Police said Poudel had suffered deep cut injuries in his neck, chest, back and his arms. His motorcycle and some cash were also recovered from the scene. According to Poudel’s wife Deepa, he had gone to Devigunj to collect money from a customer, whom she identified as Saddam Hussein, on Monday. Police arrested Hussein for questioning. One officer told the Post that Hussein admitted to murdering Poudel under the influence of alcohol. Deepa mentioned in her police statement that Hussein might have committed the murder because he could not pay Rs 90,000 that he owed to her husband. She also stated that her husband had publicly berated Hussein a few months ago for not paying the money. दमकका एकजना व्यावसायीको जिल्लाकै गौरीगञ्जमा विभत्स हत्या भएको छ। झापाकै कमल गाँउपालिका-६ घर भइ दमक नगरपालिका-६ मा व्यावसाय गर्दै आएका खेमराज पौडेलको गौरीगन्जमा हत्या भएको हो । पसलको रकम उठाउन गौरीगञ्जमा बोलाएर अपहरणपछि उनको हत्ता गरिएको उनका भतिज तथा पत्रकार युवराज विवशले जानकारी दिए । पौडेलको शव विभत्स अवस्थामा गौरीगञ्जस्थित नेपाल-भारत सीमाक्षेत्रमा भेटिएको हो । इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय गौरीगञ्जका अनुसार पौडेलको शव गौरीगन्जको सीमाक्षेत्र देवीगन्जस्थित एकान्तमा भेटिएको हो । पौडेलले दमकमा कपडा पसल चलाउँदै आएका थिए । पौडेल सोमबारबाटै हराइरहेका थिए । इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय गौरीगन्जका प्रहरी निरीक्षक टेकेन्द्र पौडेलका अनुसार पौडेलको धारिलो हतियार प्रयोग गरी हत्या भएको हो । व्यवसायी पौडेलको विभत्स अवस्थाम शव भेटिएको दमक उद्योग बाणिज्य संघका वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्ष विमल खतिवडाले पनि जानकारी दिएका छन् ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Murder/attempted Murder
Weapons Unclear
Primary Cause Disputes over inheritance, debt, land and other economic disputes
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Total Killed 1
National/Online Media , Local Newspaper - Jhapa , Local Newspaper - Dhanusha