Baitadi, UCPN-M karyakarta birudha jyanmarne aviyogma ujuri.
Baitadi/November 16
UML District Office has filed a complaint against UCPN-M cadres at District Police Office on November 15 on charge of attempting to kill them.
The UCPN-M cadres attempted to kill the UML's cadres during their door to door campaign in Malladehi VDC-8, said UML district secretary Liladhar Bhatta.
UML filed complaint against UCPN-M cadres Dipendra Kunwar, Krishbadu Kailash Dhami, Uddab Dhami, Prakash Dhami, Asok Luhar and Debdatta Badu, said UML Chairperson Narendra Bista.
DSP Homnath Niraula informed that the investigation of the incident is underway. However, UCPN-M's district in-charge Gopal Chand said that they are yet to know about the complaint.