Incident Reports

Woman Facing Ordeal for Not Providing Dowry


Lumbini, Rupandehi, Butwal

Rupendehi, dahejnadiyeko karan naari kathin paristhiti ma. Rupendehi/March 3 A woman has been thrown out of her home in Butwal with an excuse of not providing sufficient dowry. Ganga Subedi, 32, of Gwalipath in Butwal Municipality-11 was thrown out of the house by her husband and mother-in-law after she could not provide enough dowries to her family. The victim has stated that she was ill-treated by her husband Krishna and mother-in-law Laxmi after she could not provide adequate amount of dowry asked by her family after marriage. Even though the victim kept quiet at first, she had to come out in public after not being able to handle further torture. The couple married in 2010 and has two sons. The husband is said to have moved to Kathmandu and remains out of contact after the complaint was lodged. Ganga has specified that she had been facing mental as well as physical torture by her husband and mother-in-law every day after failing to provide jewelries and money to their relatives during their marriage. Even after providing the dowry t with the help of her parents, Ganga continued to be tortured by her husband and in-laws and finally thrown out. Additionally the family asked for a car as a dowry that led her to reach out for her natal relatives, yet she was fully not open about the situation, which led to her getting thrown out of the house just after four months of marriage. After the effort of her relative she once again went back to her house but the family did not stop torturing her for dowry and threw her out of the house once again, even during her pregnancy. Ganga built up her courage to go back to her home but was not let in by her mother-in-law. She has now filed a case against her husband in the district court for asking for her half of compensation but the final verdict is yet to come out. District Judge Balchandra Sharma had verbally asked Ganga to go back to her house but once again she was barred by the mother-in-law. Even though police, neighbors as well as women right activists were present in the locality to help Ganga get back into the house, the mother-in-law refused to let her in without the written order of the court. She entered home with the help of local people after they broke the lock of the house let her in. Inspector Som Thapa of Butwal Area Police Office has said that Ganga is currently residing in her maternal house. Amrit Giri जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा कार्यरत ४३ वर्षीय असई भगवानी ठाकुरसहित चार प्रहरीलाई मलेठ गाविस-९ का २७ वर्षीय मो. कलामसहितका गाउँलेले मलेठ गाविस-९ जगदरीमा फागुन १९ गते राति ८ बजे कुटपिट गरेका छन् । मो. कलामसहितका गाउँलेले मलेठ गाविस-४ का ३२ वर्षीय छोटेलाल यादवको फागुन १९ गते दिउँसो लुटेको को.१५प २४१० नम्बरको अपाचे मोटरसाइकल खोजतलासका लागि खटिएका असई ठाकुरसहित प्रहरी हवल्दार ३३ वर्षीय प्रदिप यादव, प्रहरी जवानद्वय २७ वर्षीय रामप्रसाद यादव र २६ वर्षीय गोपाल राजवंशीलाई मोटरसाइकल फेला पारेछि लैजान खोजेको भन्दै कुटपिट गरेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । प्रहरी टोलीमाथि आक्रमण गर्ने मलेठ गाविस-९ का २७ वर्षीय मो. कलाम, ३० वर्षीय मो. मासुम, २८ वर्षीय मो. जयाबुललाई प्रहरीले फागुन १९ गते राति नै र ४२ वर्षीय मो. कुदुसलाई फागुन २० गते विहान गिरफ्तार गरेको एसपी दिनेश अमात्यले जानकारी दिए । लुटिएको को.१५प २४१० नम्बरको अपाचे मोटरसाइकलसमेत प्रहरीले राति नै बरामद गरी ल्याएको छ । अन्य आधा दर्जनभन्दा बढी आरोपितहरूको तिव्रताका साथ खोजी भइरहेको एसपी अमात्यले बताए । आरोपितहरूविरुद्ध केही सार्वजनिक अपराध तथा सजाय ऐनअन्तर्गत मुद्दा चलाइने एसपी अमात्यले जानकारी दिए । लाठी, बाँसको फट्टाको आक्रमणबाट घाइते असई ठाकुरसहितका प्रहरीहरूको अञ्चल अस्पताल राजविराजमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । मनोहर कुमार पोखरेल


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