Incident Reports

Body of Slain Woman Yet to be Found


Lumbini, Rukum East, Sani Bheri

Rukum, Hatya gari falieki mahila ko lash fela parena. Police have not yet found body of Bimala Oli, 27, of Garayala VDC-4 five days after she was killed by her husband. Her husband Prajeet Oli, 35, had admitted killing her at Maurakhar lek while the couple was heading towards her paternal home in Duli VDC-9 to celebrate teej on August 26. He had told police that he fled the scene after strangulating her to death following a spat. DSP Gautam Raj Kattel of District police Office said that the body was not found when police team and locals reached the site. The body was not found though a team of 50 policemen searched the whole jungle, Gautam said. According to police, the accused was also taken to the jungle to search for the deceased's body. Bijayashwori police had arrested him on August 27. Adarsh KC आफ्नै पतिद्वारा हत्या गरिएकी गरायला-४ की २७ वर्षीया बिमला ओलीको प्रहरीले पाँच दिनसम्म पनि फेला पारेको छैन । भदौ १० गते तिज मनाउन ३५ वर्षीय पति प्रजित ओलीसँगै माइत गइरहेका बेला मौराखार लेकमा हत्या गरी फालेको आरोपितले बताएका थिए । घरबाट छिमेकी दुली गाविस -९ मा रहेको ससुराली गाउँमा जान भनेर हिँडेको समयमा झगडा भएपछि घाँटी थिचेर कपडाले शव छोपेर आफू फरार रहेको प्रहरीको बयानमा आरोपितले उल्लेख गरेका छन् । तर प्रहरी र गाउँले घटनास्थलमा पुग्दा लास नभेटिएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय रुकुमका डीएसपी गौतमराज कट्टेलले बताए । पचास जनाको सङ्ख्यामा प्रहरी टोली खटाएर पूरै जङ्गल खोजियो तर लास कतै भेटिएन गौतमले भने । शव खोज्नका लागि आरोपितलाईसमेत घटनास्थल लगिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । पत्नीको हत्या गरी फरार रहेका ओलीलाई विजयश्वरी प्रहरीले भदौ ११ गते विजयश्वरीबाट गिरफ्तार गरेको थियो । आदर्श के.सी


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