Incident Reports

Teacher got charged for injuring the student | विद्यार्थी कुट्ने शिक्षकलाई घाउ खर्च तिराइ छाडियो |


Madhes, Saptari, Belhi Chapena, Ward 1

Saptari, Bidyarthi kutne sischak lai ghau kjharcha tirai chadiyo. A 13 yrs old girl of Bananiya VDC-6, Kamalpur, studying in Janaki Higher secondary school located in Rajbiraj Municipality- 8, was beaten up by the teacher of Malekpur VDC-2, Raghunath Das was charged. on 14th of august, she was beaten up by the bamboo stick and got injured to head broken. He was relief from the jail on 18th of august after signing the agreement of paying for all the expenditure of the treatment process. राजविराज नपा-८ स्थित जानकी उच्च मा.वि. मा कक्षा ९ मा अध्ययनरत बननियाँ गाविस-६ कमलपुरका १३ वर्षीय