Incident Reports

67 strike enforcers held across nation


Police have arrested 67 strike enforcers from different parts of the country on Thursday on the charge of vandalism and arson. The Netra Bikram Chand-led CPN Maoist has enforced a nation-wide strike today accusing the government of reviving war-era cases. Police arrested 28 strike enforcers from Kathmandu, 14 from Lalitpur, three from Bhaktapur, eight from Kaski, one from Chitwan, 10 from Kalikot, and three from Sunsari.

In Kathmandu Valley, banda enforcers torched a taxi, Ba 1 Ja 8206, at Tinkune, smashed the front windshield of a microbus, Ba 1 Ja 8130, at Tarkeshwor Municipality-20, and hurled stones at a bus, Ba 3 Kha 2227, of Sajha Yatayat at Tripureshwor. Likewise, banda enforcers vandalized two buses in Sunsari and three busses in Chitwan. Similarly, a gang of unidentified persons set a truck, Na 3 Kha 4671, on fire and vandalized a bus, Ga 1 Pa 172, at Shantinagar-1 in Jhapa.