नुवाकोट । चैत १० गते
गणेशस्थान गाविस-५ का ६७ वर्षीय तीर्थबहादुर ढकाललाई बोक्साको आरोपमा ०६९ चैत ७ गते उनका छिमेकीले कुटपिट गरेका छन् । उनकी आमा ८५ वर्षीया टिकादेवी ढकाललाई पनि बोक्सीको आरोप लगाइएको थियो ।
स्थानीय लगभग ३५ वर्षीय दिपक ढकालका ११ वर्षीय छोराको ०६९ चैत ५ गते काठमाडौमा मृत्यु भएपछि, दिपक, उनकी श्रीमती र अन्य चारपाँच जना मिलेर दिपककै घरमा लगी कुटपिट गरेको, मुखमा थुकेको, दिसा खुवाउन खोजेका तीर्थबहादुरले बताए । आफूमाथि आरोपितहरूले तन्त्रमन्त्र गरी सो बालकलाई मारेको आरोप लगाएको उनले बताए ।
तीर्थका भाइ केशव ढकालले अनुसार दीपकले उनका दाइलाई मार्ने भनी गाउँमा भन्दै हिडेकोले सुरक्षाका लागि जिल्ला सदरमुकाममा आएका छन् ।
पीडितले प्रहरी चौकी ढिकुरेमा ०६९ चैत १० गते उजुरी दिएको बताए । आरोपितलाई गिरफ्तार गर्न प्रहरी परिचालन गरिएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयका सई लक्ष्मण गौतमले बताए ।
Nuwakot/March 23
Tirtha Bahadur Dhakal, 67, of Ganeshsthan5 has filed a complaint against some of his neighbor at Dhikure Police Station on March 23 accusing them of inhumanely treating him accusing him of being a witch.
He said that he was assaulted by his neighbors on charge of being a witch on March 20. The accused also accused his 85-year-old mother of being a witch.
The victim was accused of causing the death of local Deepak Dhakal’s 11-year-old son who died in Kathmandu on March 18. Deepak, his wife, and some five villagers took Tirtha to Deepak’s house and then beat him, spit on his face and tried to forced feed him human excreta.
Tirtha’s younger brother Keshav said that his brother was displaced to the district headquarters after Deepak said that he intended to kill Tirtha.
Sub-Inspector Laxman Gautam of District Police Office informed that a team had been dispatched to arrest the accused people.
Keshav Mishra