Incident Reports

Newly born found dead


Madhes, Parsa, Birgunj, Ward 11

Dead body of a fetus with umbilical cord was found in front of Salt Trading Corporation at Birgunj-14 on Wednesday. The locals had reported about the incident to the police when they saw a dog dragging the fetus. According to the police the fetus seemed 5/6 months old and suspected it to be the case of illegal abortion. The fetus was sent to Narayani Sub-regional Hospital for postmortem. Further investigation on the case is going on. बिरगंज उपमहानगरपालिका १४ स्थित साल्ट ट्रेडिङ अगाडि बुधवार एक शिशु म्रित अवस्थामा भेटिएको छ। अन्दाजी ५-६ महिनाको जस्तो देखिने शिशु बिहान म्रित अवस्थामा भेटिएको पर्सा प्रहरी प्रवक्ता प्रहरी नायब उपरिक्षक चक्रराज जोशीले जानकारी दिए। '५-६ महिनाको जस्तो देखिने बालक शिशुको शव भेटिएको छ। उनले भने 'कसैले गर्भपतन गरेर सालनाल सहित फालेको हुनसक्छ। हामी त्यसबारेमा अनुसन्धान गरिरहेका छौं'। शवलाई कुकुरले तान्दै गरेको देखेपछि स्थानीय बासिन्दाले प्रहरीलाई खबर गरेका थिए। शिशुको शव पोस्टमार्टमका लागि नारायणी उपक्षेत्रीय अस्पताल बिरगंजमा लगिएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय पर्साले जनाएको छ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Infanticide
Weapons None
Primary Cause Other types of criminal activity
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations Citizen/Individuals
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Killed 1
Youth Killed 1
Local Newspaper - Parsa