Incident Reports

Protesters burnt the welcome gate made for CPN UML campaign


The agitators have burnt the welcome gate made for the Mechi-Mahakali campaign of CPN UML at Durgauli Bazar at Lamki-Tikapur road section on March 15. Ram Prasad Chaudhary, central member of Thauhat Terai Party said that the Mechi-Mahakali campaign was started with the objective of maintaining social and cast harmony however it has motivated towards disturbing social harmony and cast conflict in some case. Tharuhat Terai Party Nepal had called for the strike in the district on March 15 against the CPN UML campaign however that has not affected the campaign of the party according to Kailali secretariat member Bhairab Rawal of Kailali. Rabina Chaudhary नेकपा एमालेको मेची महाकाली अभियानलाई अवरोध गर्न लम्की-टिकापुर सडकखण्डमा पर्ने दुर्गौली बजार र पठरैया गाँउमा एमालेद्वारा बनाइएको स्वागतद्वार थरुहटका आन्दोलनकारीले चैत १ गते राति जलाएका छन् । जातीय एवम् सामाजिक सदभाव कायम गर्ने उद्धेश्यले सुरू गरिएको भनिएको एमालेको मेची महाकाली अभियानले जातिय द्वन्द्व ल्याउने, मुठभेड निम्त्याउने र सामाजिक सदभाव खल्बल्याउने अभियानबाहेक अरु केही नभएकाले आफूहरूले एमालेले बनाएको स्वागतद्वार जलाएको थरुहट तराई पार्टी नेपालका केन्द्रीय सदस्य रामप्रसाद चौधरीले बताए । एमाले अभियानको विरोधमा थरुहट तराई पार्टी नेपाल, कैलालीद्वारा चैत १ गते एक प्रेस विज्ञप्ति जारी गरी चैत २ गते कैलाली जिल्ला बन्दको आह्वान गरेतापनि त्यसले आफूहरूको कार्यक्रमलाई कुनै असर नगरेको एमालेका कैलाली जिल्ला सचिवालय सदस्य भैरव रावलले बताए । रविना चौधरी
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Arson
Secondary Form Strike/Bandh
Weapons Fire
Primary Cause Election-related incident
Secondary Cause Contestation between rival political parties outside elections
Actor 1 - Number of people 10
Actor 1 - Affiliations Various Indigenous Parties incl. Tharu
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) UML and affiliated org
Actor 2 - Youth na
National/Online Media