Incident Reports

Chitwan Post: 4 youths allegedly tortured on charge of forest arson


Bagmati, Chitawan, Bharatpur, Ward 11

4 youths were allegedly tortured by an Armed Police Personnel of Border Security Force, Aaptari in Bharatpur on charge of forest arson in the jungle of Ganeshthan. Among those tortured were 14-year-old Pushkar Tamang, 17-year-old Amit Tamang, 17-year-old Danu Hamal and 17-year-old Bimal B.K. The victims hailed from Bharatpur-11. According to the locals, they were arrested from their home and beaten up brutally. The vicitms have sustained injuries on their eyes, back, arms and knees. Although, 1o people had been arrested in relation to the same allegation, however, everyone except the 4 youths were released already. 4 of them arrested are being investigated after 10 days’ time extension by the court on March 19. The media and human rights activits in the district were informed about the incident only after 3 days on March 20. वनमा आगो लगाएको आरोपमा महिला र बालकलाई चरम यातना दिइएको छ । भरतपुर-११ गणेशस्थान क्षेत्रमा रहेको वनमा आगजनी गरेको आरोपमा पक्राउ परेका एक बालक, एक महिला र अन्य दुई युवालाई कुटपिट गरिएको घटना चार दिनपछि सार्वजनिक भएको छ । वनमा आगो लगाएको आरोपमा सीमा सुरक्षा बल आँपटारीका सशस्त्र प्रहरीले भरतपुर-११ बस्ने वर्ष १४ का पुस्कर तामांग, वर्ष १७ का अमित तामांग, १७ वर्षकी दानु हमाल र १७ वर्षकै विमल विकलाई चैत ४ गते बिहिबार घरमै रहेको अवस्थामा नियन्त्रणमा लिइ कुटपिट गरेर घाइते बनाएको आरोप स्थानीयले लगाएका छन् । आरोपितहरुको शरीरको आँखा धाद, पाखुरा, घुँँडामा घाउ रहेको छ । यस घटनामा १० जना गिरफ्तारमा परे पनि अरु छुटिसकेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।यी चार जनाको हकमा भने आइतबार ६ गते आगजनी आरोपमा १० दिन म्याद थप भई अनुसन्धान भइरहेको वन कार्यालय चितवनका प्रमुख केदार पौडेलले बताए । पिडितले कुटपिट भएको घटना सोमबारमात्र पत्रकार र मानवअधिकार अभियन्तालाई जानकारी गराएका थिए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Torture
Secondary Form Violence during arrest/detention
Weapons Unclear
Primary Cause Violence in prisons (violence by correction officers, prisoners etc.)
Actor 1 - Number of people 1
Actor 1 - Affiliations APF
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 4
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Injured 4
Female Injured 1
Youth Injured 4
Local Newspaper - Chitwan