Incident Reports

Complaint Filed against Polygamist Husband



Chitwan/ June 4 A complaint against Ashok Gurung, 25, of Bharatpur Municipality-2 has been lodged by his wife Angila Gurung, 23, on June 4 at the District Police Office on charge of polygamy. According to the victim, she filed the complaint after learning about his second marriage with Anisha Gurung, 24. She said that she had been staying in her maternal home since six months after her husband deprived her of food and lodging. Police arrested Ashok and his second wife on June 3. Sabitri Sapkota बहुबिवाह गर्ने पति बिरूद्ध प्रहरीमा उजुरी चितवन । जेठ २१ गते भरतपुर नपा-२ का २५ वर्षीय अशोक गुरुङले बहुबिवाह गरेको भनि जेठी पत्नी २३ वर्षीया इञ्जीला गुरुङले जेठ २१ गते जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा जाहेरी दिएकी छन् । अशोकले २४ वर्षीया अनिसा गुरूङगसँग दोश्रो विवाह गरेको थाहा भएपछि प्रहरीमा उजुरी गर्न आएको इञ्जीलाले बताइन् । पतिले खान, लाउन नदिई घरेलु हिंसा गरेकोले ६ महिनादेखि आफू माइती घरमा बस्दै आएको पीडितले बताइन् । बहुविवाहका आरोपी दुवैजनालाई जेठ २० गते नै प्रहरीले गिरफ्तार गरेको छ । सावित्री सापकोटा


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