Jyapu Maya Tamang, 54, and her daughter Hira Maya Tamang, 19, of Kolki9 have filed an FIR at District Police Office on January 2 demanding action against those mistreating them on charge of being witch.
In the FIR, it is said that they were mistreated by locals including Basi Kumari Tamang, Bindu Tamang, and Jhankri Tamang accusing them of making Bindu sick. The women said that they were made to touch light, lick the soles of the feet and to swear to commit suicide if Bindu's health was not improved. Jhyapu Maya said when her daughter tried to stop the villagers they also accused her of being witch and verbally abused her.
Buddhi Bahadur, Bindu's father, a shaman himself, decided to go for the ritual saying his daughter's bad health remained so the last two months. <