Public life has been affected by one day bandh called by the disqualified combatants across the country on January 5. They called for the bandh asking for proper management of disqualified combatants, stop the use of term disqualified, provide dignified support to injured combatants and provide employment opportunity to them. INSEC district representatives reported from different places on the impact of the bandh.
In Lalitpur, the bandh had little impact. The commercial centers are partially open, some schools and vehicles are operational. In Kathmandu too, there vehicles are operational though in lesser numbers.
Major commercial centers are closed but other places are open. There were some vehicles vandalized in Sundhara.
In Kavre, there is no impact of the bandh. There are few vehicles but commercial centers, schools and factories are open. In Chitwan, long and short route vehicles remained off the road. The bazaars at Narayangadh, Pulchok, Bharatpur and Tandi remain deserted.
In Dhankuta, vehicles are not staying off the road. Schools are closed and but ambulances and government offices remain close. Similar scenes were seen in Makawanpur, Palpa, Kanchanpur, Kapilbastu, Rupandehi, Dang, Bardiya, Pyuthan, Surkhet and Banke too.