Incident Reports

3 arrested, including District Secretary of CPN


Lumbini, Dang, Ghorahi

39-years-old Yamlal Pujari, District Secretary of CPN, Dang, 29-years-old Suraj Pariyar and 28-years-old Omprakash Chaudhary, were arrested on February 23. Bureau In charge of CPN Subash said that their leaders were arrested while they were preparing for the corner assembly in Tulsipur Chowk. SP Durga Singh said that they were taken in custody for the interrogation as they did certain things affecting people's social life. राप्ती गाउँपालिका-२ सिसहनीया निवासी नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टी दाङका सेक्रेटरी ३९ वर्षीय यामलाल पुजारी, सोही ठाउँका दलित मुक्ति मोर्चाका जिल्ला अध्यक्ष २९ वर्षीय सुरज परियार र तथा गढवा गाउँपालिका-४ निवासी सोही पार्टीका गढवा गाउँपालिकाका सेक्रेटरी २८ वर्षीय ओमप्रकाश चौधरीलाई प्रहरीले फागुन ११ गते घोराहीबाट गिरफ्तार गरेको छ । घोराहीको तुलसीपुर चोकमा कोण सभाको तयारी गरिरहेका आफ्ना पार्टीका नेताहरूलाई प्रहरीले गिरफ्तार गरी हिरासतमा राखेको नेपाल कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीका राप्ती व्यूरो इन्चार्ज सुवासले जानकारी दिए । उनले शान्तिपूर्ण रूपमा सभा सम्मेलन गर्न रोक लगाएको आरोपसमेत लगाए । सामाजिक जीवनमा खलल पुग्ने काम गरेको भन्दै उनीहरूलाई गिरफ्तार गरिएको र सोधपुछपछि हिरासत मुक्त गरिने दाङकी प्रहरी प्रमुख एसपी दुर्गा सिंहले जानकारी दिइन् ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Nonviolent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Arrest (politically significant)
Primary Cause Other political issues
Actor 1 - Number of people 3
Actor 1 - Affiliations CPN (Chand) and affiliated org , CPN (Chand) and affiliated org
Actor 1 - Youth noyouth
Actor 2 - Number of people NA
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Government and civil servants at central level
Actor 2 - Youth na