Incident Reports

१ केंद्र मा दुबारा मतदान


Kathmandu, 1 kendra ma dubara matdaan. In a mark of fewer irregularities during the polls, the Election Commission has annulled polling in only one voting station so far. In the first CA election in 2008, the EC had announced re-polling in 33 booths. However, complaints of booth capturing have been filed in several constituencies across the country. The District Election Office (DEO) Jumla cancelled voting at the Tribhuvan Higher Secondary School Centre in Devpalgau VDC after a group of women and children attacked the centre and fled with ballot boxes. The incident took place at 12pm while hundreds had queued to cast their votes. According to Chief District Election Officer Ram Prasad Sharma, the polling was cancelled after ballot boxes meant for proportional representation vote were looted by poll-opposing forces. The EC will hold re-polling at the Centre on Friday for 1,138 voters.


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