Rastriya Prajatantra Party and Shiv Sena staged a demonstration in Baitadi on Sunday demanding restoration of monarchy and Hindu Nation.
They staged the protest rally from Shahi lekh via Gothalapni via Gadi.
Violent / Non-violent | Nonviolent |
Primary Form | Demonstration |
Primary Cause | Contestation over Constitution and federal restructuring |
Actor 1 - Number of people | 50 |
Actor 1 - Affiliations | Other/multiple/unspecified political affiliation |
Actor 1 - Entity | Political Organizations/Groups supporting Monarchy |
Actor 1 - Youth | unknown |
Actor 2 - Number of people | n/a |
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) | Government and civil servants at central level |
Actor 2 - Youth | na |