Incident Reports

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Bagmati, Chitawan, Bharatpur

Bharatpur, Ghar dhani maathi balatkaar ko arop. BHARATPUR, JUL 08 - A married woman has reportedly been raped by her landlord in Bharatpur-13, Chitwan on Wednesday night. According to the charge filed by the 35-year-old woman, Ganesh Malla Thakuri allegedly raped her when she, along with her two daughters, visited Thakuri’s chicken farm to help him vaccinate chickens. Her two daughters, however, returned after some time, leaving the mother on her own. Thakuri then covered her mouth, took her to his bedroom and raped her, she said. The victim’s sister said she found the victim drenched in a pool of blood at around 4 am the following morning and took her to the District Hospital. “Doctors performed five stitches on her womb,” said the victim’s brother, quoting the doctors involved. The victim mentioned that her two daughters and her sister have all been assaulted by Thakuri recently. The victim’s husband is abroad for employment. A permanent resident of Nawalparasi, she is living in Bharatpur with her five children. She claimed of lending Thakuri Rs 30,000 and recently rented a house belonging to him in order to recuperate the loan. The District Court on Sunday remanded Thakuri in police custody for 10 days.


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