Incident Reports

Forty-plus men involved in rape


Kavere, chaalis barsha ko purush balatkaar ma sanglagn. KAVRE: Most of the rape incidents in Kavre in the past two years were perpetrated by people who are past their 40s. Police case files of the past two years showed that most of the rape cases were committed by men aged more than 40 years. On July 11, an 11-year-old girl staying in a rented apartment in Bhaisepatian lodged an “attempt to rape” complaint against a 62-year-old fruit vendor who hails from India. After the girl doubted his intentions and cried for help, the accused was taken into custody by the locals and later handed over to the police On July 5, in Devbhumi Baluwa VDC, locals managed to save a seven-year-old girl upon spotting 52-year-old Jit Bahadur Danuwar caressing her with malicious intent, around a bush near her house. Similarly, on June 23, a 61-year-old man attempted to rape a 14-year-old girl of Chyasingkharka VDC.


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