Incident Reports

One arrested on charge of human trafficking


Gandaki, Kaski, Rautamai, Ward 9

Devendra Gurung, 31, of Janapriya Marg, Pokhara sub-metropolis-10 has been arrested by the police on March 2 on charge of trafficking a 15-year-old girl. The victim’s relatives have lodged a complaint at the District Police Office on February 29 stating the accused took the girl from Pokhara to Lamjung to sell her by luring her under different pretext on February 25. The accused has been arrested following the complaint. The investigation has begun under Human Trafficking and Transportation charge as the accused is also charged of raping the girl outside the district, informed District Police Office. The health check-up of the victim was conducted at Western Regional Hospital, Pokhara on February 28. १५ वर्षीया एक बालिकालाई बेचविखन गरेको आरोपमा पोखरा उमनपा-१० जनप्रिय मार्गका ३१ वर्षीय देवेन्द्र गुरुङलाई फागुन १९ गते प्रहरीले गिरफ्तार गरेको छ । आरोपितले बालिकालाई विभिन्न प्रलोभनमा पारेर फागुन १३ गते पोखरादेखि लम्जुङ पुर्‍याई बेचविखन गरेको भन्दै बालिकाका आफन्तले फागुन १७ गते जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा उजुरी दिएका थिए । उजुरीका आधारमा आरोपितलाई गिरफ्तार गरिएको र जिल्ला बाहिर लगेर बलात्कार समेत गरेको आरोपमा जाहेरी दर्ता भएकोले मानव बेचबिखन तथा ओसारपसार अभियोगमा मुद्दामा अनुसन्धान अगाडि बढाइएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले जनायो । बालिकाको फागुन १६ गते पश्मिाञ्चल क्षेत्रीय अस्पताल पोखरामा स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण भयो ।