Incident Reports

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Bagmati, Kathmandu, Kathmandu

The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) people are “silent sufferers”, according to a collection of cases of violence. The Blue Diamond Society (BDS), an organisation working for the rights of the LGBTI people, which collected the cases of violence, said only 32 cases of various forms of violence were recorded in 2015. “Violence is very common to us. From security personnel to general people--everyone is constantly abusing us. The primary reason why the number of complaints against violence is low is because they tend to resign to the fact that the society would not accept them and that violence is part of their life,” said Manisha Dhakal, executive director at BDS, who herself is a transgender woman. Physical violence, which includes beating from police, tops the list of cases that were lodged, according to the BDS. There were a few cases of sexual violence and in one case a couple was denied right to marry. According to gay rights activist Sushila Lama, homosexual and transgender people first need to be informed about their rights and confidence should be instilled in them so that they could file cases when they are subjected to violence. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has also said that there is a need to formulate separate laws for the gender and sexual minorities.