Incident Reports

Pregnant woman chased out by family.


महिलाले ०६९ फागुन २२ गते जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय बैतडीमा दिएको जाहेरी २२ नम्बरमा दर्ता गरेको छ । सो निवेदन ०६९ फागुन २७ गते महिला तथा बालबालिका कार्यालय दार्चुलामा समेत दिइएको छ । पीडित महिलाले निवेदनमा आफुलाई गालीगलौज, कुटपीट लगायतका दुर्व्यवहार गरी घरबाट दुवैको मिलेमतोमा विभिन्न लाञ्छना लगाई घरनिकाला गरेको उल्लेख गरेको महिला तथा बालबालिका कार्यालयका अधिकृत शान्ति विकले बताइन् । महिला तथा बालबालिका कार्यालयले घटनाको छानबिनको लागि जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमार्फत पहल गरेको छ । प्रहरीले पीडितका पतिसहित ०६९ फागुन २९ गते दार्चुला बोलाइएको विकले बताइन् । पीडित महिला अहिले माइती घर बैतडी जिल्लाको कोठपेटरा गाविसमा बस्दै आएका छन् । महिलाले आफू अहिले सहाराविहीन भएको भन्दै निवेदन दर्ता गराएका छन् । पीडित महिलाका एक ५ वर्षीय छोरी रहेकी छन् । Dharchula, 11 March Janaki Khadka, 25, from Shikhar 3, has been chased out of her house. When she was five months pregnant she was blamed for many things by her in-laws. Janaki’s husband, Lal Bahadur Khadka, 28, and father-in-law, Gopi Khadka, chased her out of the house is mentioned in the report she registered. She filed a report at the DPO in Baitadi on 5 March and the same report was registered at the Women and Children welfare Office. The Women and Children welfare Office has initiated an investigation of the case through the DPO, and the police has already summoned Janaki’s husband for questioning. The victim, who has a five year old daughter, is currently staying at her parents’ house in Baitadi district.


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