Incident Reports

Curfew Lifted following Govt Assurance | मन्त्रालयको पत्रपछि बाजुरा शान्त, कर्फ्यू हट्यो |


Bajura/May 7 The district headquarters Martadi returned to normalcy from May 7 evening after the government assured to advance the processes including construction of bailey bridge over the Budiganga river. The agitating parties-UCPN-M, NC, UML and CPN-Maoist- called off their strike while the District Administration Office (DAO) lifted curfew following the government's assurance. The DAO had clamped curfew from 3 pm on May 7 after the situation went out of control. The major political parties and the locals called indefinite strike for past three days when the installation of bailey bridge across the Budhiganga river was halted as per the instruction of Ministry of Physical Planning and Works. They have been demanding to construct the bridge and upgrade the road that links Martadi. The protest programme was called off as secretary of Physical Planning and Works Tulasi Sitaula sent a letter assuring to resume the construction the bridge and upgrade the road stretch. Martadi remained tense due to the sporadic clashes between the protesters and the police on May 7. The security personnel lobbed dozens of tear gas canisters and resorted baton charge to take the situation under control. The local administration clamped curfew as the enraged protesters torched the residence of Chief District Officer Bhabishwor Pandey. Arjun Shah बाजुरा । वैशाख २४ गते मन्त्रीस्तरीय निर्णयको पत्रले बाजुराको बुडीगंगा नदीमा बेलिब्रिज निर्माण लगायतका प्रकृया अघि बढाउने आश्वासनपछि तीन दिनदेखि तनावग्रस्त भएको बाजुरा सदरमुकाम मार्तडी साँझदेखि शान्त भएको छ । वैशाख २४ गते तनाव बढेर स्थिति नियन्त्रणबाहिर गएपछि अपरान्ह्र ३ बजेदेखि १४ घण्टाका लागि जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयले जारी गरेको कर्फ्यू आदेश समेत तीन घण्टापछि स्थगित भयो । साथै दलहरूले आन्दोलनसमेत फिर्ता लिएका छन् । गत चैत महिनामा बुडीगंगा नदीमा निर्माण प्रकृया सुरु भएको बेलिब्रिज भौतिक योजना तथा निर्माण मन्त्रालयको निर्देशनमा बीचैमा स्थगित गरिएपछि आक्रोशित बाजुराका राजनीतिक दलहरूले संयुक्त रुपमा सुरु गरेको आन्दोलनको तेस्रो दिन सदरमुकाम दिनभर तनावग्रस्त भएको थियो । जिल्लाका एकीकृत माओवादी, नेकाँ, एमाले र नेकपा माओवादीले संयुक्त रुपमा तीन दिनदेखि कडा आन्दोलन सुरु गरेका थिए । मन्त्रालयका सचिव तुली सिटौलाद्वारा हस्ताक्षरित पत्रमा बेलिब्रिज स्थापना, पक्की पुलको योजना र भारतीय ऋण सहयोगमा सडकको स्तरोन्नति गरी यातायात सञ्चालन योग्य बनाउने उल्लेख छ । अर्जुन शाह


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