Incident Reports

CPN-UML cadre injured in attack of NSU cadres attack


Lumbini, Dang, Ghorahi, Ward 5

A 25 years old CPN UML candidate Bibek Budathoki for the post of ward chairman has been attacked by the cadres of Nepal Student Union after he was returning from the election campaign. The candidate was seriously injured in an attack. According to police, he was attacked on May 25 at Basantapur of Ghorahi Sub-metropolis-5 by the group of 4/5 people with rods. The injured Budathoki was taken to Rapti sub0regional hospital and was further taken to Kohalpur medical college for treatment. Budathoki sustained fractured thigh. The victim said that group of people from NSU led by district member Mekh Bahadur Chaudhary and Kamal Oli (Tiger) had attacked him. The team of police from DPO has rescued the victim and rushed to the hospital according to DSP Bhuwaneshwor Tiwari of DPO Dang. The searches for the attackers are going on according to the police. CPN UML Dang has released a press statement and condemned the incident. J.N Sagar चुनावी सभा गरेर घोराही फर्कँदै गरेका नेकपा एमालेका वडाध्यक्षका उम्मेदवार २५ वर्षीय विवेक बुढाथोकीलाई नेविसङ्घका कार्यकर्ताले आक्रमणमा गरी गम्भीर घाइते बनाएका छन् । जेठ ११ गते घोराही उपमहानगरपालिका-५ वसन्तापुर भन्ने स्थानमा चार/पाँच जनाको समूहले रड प्रहार गरी पीडित बुढाथोकीको गोडा भाँचिदिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । घाइते बुढाथोकीको प्राथमिक उपचार राप्ती उपक्षेत्रीय अस्पतालमा गरेपछि थप उपचारका लागि कोहलपुर मेडिकल कलेजमा पठाइएको छ । चुनावी सभा गरेर फर्कँदै गरेको अवस्थामा ‘काम छ’ भनेर स्थानीय होटेलमा बोलाएर पेस्तोल ताकेपछि भाग्नेक्रममा चार/पाँच जनाको समूहमा आएका नेविसङ्घका कार्यकर्ताले रड प्रहार गरेको पीडितले बताए । बुढाथोकीको दाहिने गोडाको घुँडादेखि माथि भाँचिएको छ । राति ९ः३० बजेको समयमा उक्त घटना भएकाले आक्रमण गर्नेहरूलाई चिन्न नसकिए पनि ‘काम छ’ भनेर बोलाउने नेविसङ्घ दाङका जिल्ला सदस्य मेखबहादुर चौधरी र स्थानीय कमल वली (टाइगर) रहेको पीडितले बताए । जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयबाट गएको प्रहरी टोलीले घाइते भएका उम्मेदवार बुढाथोकीको उद्धार गरी अस्पताल पुर्‍याएको डिएसपी भुवनेश्वर तिवारीले बताए । आरोपितहरूको खोजी भइरहेको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । नेकपा एमाले दाङले विज्ञप्ति निकालेर घटनाको भत्सर्ना गर्दै दोषीमाथि कारबाहीको माग गरेको छ । बुढाथोकी घोराही उपमहानगरपालिका-५ का एमालेको तर्फबाट वडाध्यक्षका उम्मेदवार हुन् ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons Blunt weapon
Primary Cause Election-related incident
Actor 1 - Number of people 6
Actor 1 - Affiliations Nepali Congress and affiliated org
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) UML and affiliated org
Actor 2 - Youth unknown
Total Injured 1