Incident Reports

UML cadre attacks another UML cadre in Surkhet


Karnali, Surkhet, Lekbeshi, Ward 1

A group led by UML cadres Bir Bahadur Rawat, 40, of Birendranagar municipality-9 has attacked 42-year-old Sitaram Paudel of Lekbesi-1 who is also UML secretary of Lekbesi Town Committee, for not nominating Rawat for the position of member in municipal executive from UML. Paudel has accused Rawat and his group of attacking him on May 29. Conducting a press release on May 30, Gagan Singh Sunar, UML chairman for Lekbesi Town Organization Committee, condemned the attack on Paudel and demanded the guilty to apologize. Paudel, who sustained injury on his head and back underwent treatment at Deuti Nursing Home in Birendranagar. नेकपा एमाले लेकवेशी नगर कमिटी सचिव लेकवेशी नपा-१ का ४२ वर्षीय सिताराम पौडेललाई नगर कार्यपालिकाको अल्पसङ्ख्यक समुदायबाट सदस्य पदमा एमालेको मनोनयनमा आफ्नो नाम नपारेको आरोप लगाउँदै वीरेन्द्रनगर नपा-९ का ४० वर्षीय एमाले कार्यकर्ता वीरबहादुर रावतसहितका व्यक्तिले जेठ १५ गते कुटपिट गरेको पीडित पक्षले आरोप लगाएको छ । एमालेका लेकवेशी नगर सङ्गठन कमिटीका अध्यक्ष गगनसिं सुनारले जेठ १६ गते विज्ञप्ति जारी गर्दै घटनाप्रति गम्भीर ध्यानाकर्षण भएको जनाएका छन् । विज्ञप्तिमा छलफलबाट समस्याको समाधान गर्नुपर्नेमा आक्रमण गर्नु दुखद भएको र दोषीले आत्मालोचना गर्नुपर्ने उल्लेख गरिएको छ । पीडित पौडेलको टाउको र ढाडमा चोट लागेका कारण देउती नर्सिङ्ग होम वीरेन्द्रनगरमा उपचार भएको पीडितले बताए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons Unclear
Primary Cause Election-related incident
Actor 1 - Number of people 6
Actor 1 - Affiliations UML and affiliated org
Actor 1 - Youth noyouth
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) UML and affiliated org
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Total Injured 1