Incident Reports

UML cadre injured in an attack


Province 1, Terhathum, Aathrai, Ward 3

UML cadre Tara Bahadur Baniya,42 of Aathrai Village council-3 was attacked and injured by an unidentified group on July 4. He was attacked while on the way to the program organized by the party after the election result. He sustained a deep cut on his head with fractured hand. He lost his consciousness after he was attacked from the back side by an unidentified group. He is undergoing treatment in Jhapa. The victim’s relative had lodged a complaint at Area Police office on July 3. DSP Bhagendra Purush Dhakal of DPO said that the investigation is undergoing. आठराई गाउँपालिका-३ ह्वाकुका ४२ वर्षीय नेकपा एमालेका कार्यककर्ता ताराबहादुर बानियालाई असार १८ गते अज्ञात समूहले आक्रमण गरी घाइते बनाएको छ । निर्वाचनको परिणाम आएपछि नेकपा एमालेले ह्वाकुमा आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा जानेक्रममा बाटोमा अज्ञात समूहले आक्रमण गरी घाइते बनाएको पीडितले बताए । पीडित बानियाको टाउकोमा गहिरो चोट लागेको र हात भाँचिएको जनाइएको छ । बाटोमा हिँडिरहेका बेला अज्ञात समूहले पछाडिबाट आक्रमण गरेपछि बेहोस भएका बानियाको अहिले झापामा उपचार भइहरेको बताइएको छ । पीडितका आफन्तले असार १९ गते इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय सक्रान्तिमा उजुरी दिएका छन् । बानियालाई आक्रमण गर्नेहरूको पहिचान नभए पनि घटनाबारे अनुसन्धान सुरु गरिएको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयका डिएसपी भागेन्द्रपुरुष ढकालले बताए ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Collective
Primary Form Assault (small group)
Weapons Unclear
Primary Cause Unclear
Actor 1 - Number of people 3
Actor 1 - Affiliations Unclear
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) UML and affiliated org
Actor 2 - Youth noyouth
Total Injured 1