Incident Reports

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In a meeting of the Legislature-Parliament today, the Legislation Committee presented various reports prepared by it. Committee President Ganga Chaudhary presented the committee’s supplementary reports relating to the Civil Code- 2017 and Civil Procedure Code Bill-2017, reports on remuneration, conditions of service and facilities of the Chief Justice and Supreme Court judges 2017 and the report on remuneration, conditions of service and facilities of judges of high and district courts 2017. On the occasion, the Legislation Committee chair said reports would help in timely revision of the acts concerned. Similarly, in the meeting, Social Justice and Human Rights Committee President Sushil Kumar Shrestha presented a review report concerning the Human Rights Commission’s report of fiscal year 2015-16. He insisted on the need to implement the report to strengthen and sustain democracy. The NRHC report was brought to the House after a long time, he said, calling for an end to impunity and establishing the rule of law in the country. “There is a situation that one should go through a strike while seeking justice,” he said, raising the question why the last rites of Nanda Prasad Adhikari who had died during the fast-onto-death for justice for his murdered son were not conducted yet. “The situation of human rights is not satisfactory. Who is responsible for so?” Adhikari had died on 22 September 2014, on the 333rd day of his fast while demanding the arrest of the murderers of his youngest son Krishna Prasad Adhikari who was killed after abduction on 6 June 2004 in Chitwan during the Maoist armed conflict. Likewise, Health Minister Girirajmani Pokhrel presented the Rapti Institute of Health Sciences Bill 2017. The bill was meant for ensuring quality health service to the people while making it accessible to all, he said.


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