Incident Reports

Gold trader shot dead


Madhes, Sarlahi, Kabilasi

A gold trader has been shot dead by unidentified people on Tuesday. Sunil Saha, 22, was shot at by the unidentified group when he was on his way home to Pipariya, Kabilasi rural municipality-3 after closing his shop at Pidari in Haripur Municipality. Saha was traveling on his motorcycle when a gang of three or four persons, who were waiting for him, stopped him on the way and tried to rob him of cash, gold, and silver he was carrying, the victim's father, Nagendra Saha, who was pillion riding with his son, said. The incident happened at around 7 pm. Police said the assailants fired a shot underneath Sunil's jaw and made off with cash, gold, and silver inside a bag which the Saha senior was carrying. Sunil Saha who was critically injured in the shooting incident was taken to Sarlahi District Hospital where doctors pronounced him dead upon arrival. Police are searching for the assailants. RSS सर्लाहीमा मंगलबार राती एक सुनचाँदी व्यवसायीको हत्या भएको छ । कविलासी नगरपालिका–२ पिपरिया निवासी नागेन्द्र साहका २२ वर्षीय छोरा सुनिल कुमार साहको मंगलबार राती ८ बजे अज्ञात समूहले हत्या गरेको जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालय सर्लाहीले जनाएको छ । त्यस्तै मृतकका पिता नागेन्द्रले छोरामाथि गोली प्रहार भएको दावी गरेका छन् भने प्रहरीले अझै एकिन हुन नसकिएको जनाएको छ । मृतक सुनिलको चिउँडोमुनी ठूलो चोट रहेको छ । हरिपुर नगरपालिका–९ पिडारी बजार स्थित माँ दुर्गा भगवती सुनचाँदी पसल बन्द गरेर बाबुछोरा घर फर्कदै गर्दा पिडारी बजार र पिपरिया गाउँबीच पोखरी छेउमा आक्रमण भएको हो । मृतक सुनिलले ना. ४५ प १५०३ नम्बरको मोटरसाईकल चलाएका थिए भने बुबा नागेन्द्र पछाडी बसेका थिए । ३ जनाको समुहमा बाटो ढुकेर बसेको समूहले मोटरसाईकल रोकी सुनिलको साथमा रहेको झोला मागेको र नदिएपछि सुुनिलमाथि गोली प्रहार गरी झोला लिएर आक्रमणकारी समूह भागेको मृतकका बुबा नागेन्द्रले जानकारी दिए । घटना लगतै गम्भीर घाईते बनेका सुनिलको जिल्ला अस्पताल मलंगवा लैजाने क्रममा बाटैमा ज्यान गएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । 'हत्यामा संलग्न दोषी भाग्न नपाउन भनेर भारतीय सिमा क्षेत्र सहित जिल्लाका हरेक नाकाहरुमा कडाई गरी गस्ती बढाईएको छ,'प्रहरी उपरीक्षक खाँले भने ।
Details and Impacts
Violent / Non-violent Violent
Onesided / Twosided Onesided
Collective / Interpersonal Interpersonal
Primary Form Murder/attempted Murder
Weapons Small arms
Primary Cause Robbery/burglary/violent theft
Actor 1 - Number of people 3
Actor 1 - Affiliations Criminal
Actor 1 - Youth unknown
Actor 2 - Number of people 1
Actor 2 - Affiliation (Target) Citizen/Individuals
Actor 2 - Youth youth
Total Killed 1
Youth Killed 1
National/Online Media , INSEC , Police website , Local Newspaper - Chitwan , Local Newspaper - Dhanusha , Local Newspaper - Jhapa , Local Newspaper - Mahottari