Incident Reports

Kalpristha: 33 children rescued


Police have rescued 33 children from a children's home of Musikot Municipality-1, West Rukum. Police have rescued those children's from Nurshing Himalaya children's home which was not running under government criteria . In total 33 rescued children 9 were from rukum and 24 children's are from Jumla. Police also arrested the owner of children's home for not running the house under criteria. रुकुम पश्चिमको सदरमुकाम मुसिकोट नगरपालिकामा मापदण्ड बिपरित संचालन गरिएको एक बालगृहबाट ३३ बालबालिकाको उद्धार गरिएको छ । मुसिकोट नगरपालिका-१, मा संचालन भएको नर्सिंग हिमालय अनाथालयबाट २४ जना बालबालिकाको उद्धार गरिएको हो । बालबालिकामा रुकुमका नौ र जुम्लाका २४ रहेका छन् । न्युनतम मापदण्ड पनि पुरा नगरेर बालगृह संचालन गरेको भन्दै प्रहरीले संचालकलाई पनि नियन्त्रणमा लिएको छ ।