Incident Reports

Unidentified Group Attacks Sadhbhawana Candidate


Aagyat samuha dwara sadbhawana ka ummedhwar mathi aakramahan. Siraha/October 19, An unidentified group has attacked Asha Pal, 26, candidate of Anil Jha-led Sanghiya Sadhbhawana Party from Siraha constituency-4 on October 18. According to Pal, the group which came in two motorcycles attacked her at around 7 pm at Medanipur bridge in Sisabani VDC-9. She was attacked while returning to Lahan with her husband from an election assembly in Pipra Pra. Dha. VDC. She said that she sustained minor injuries when the group manhandled her. The assailants fled after locals reached the scene after hearing their cry for help. "The group and registration no. of the motorbikes could not be identified since it was dark", she said. DSP Krishnaji Adhikari of Area Police Office Lahan said that Pal and her husband were safely taken to Lahan in police protection. He said that investigation was ongoing into the incident. Durga Pariyar सिरहा । ०७० कात्तिक २ गते, धनगढी गाविस-२ घर भइ हाल लहान नपा-२ निवासी अनिल झा नेतृत्वको संघिय सदभावना पार्टीका क्षेत्र नम्बर चारकी उम्मेदवार २६ वर्षीया आशा पाल माथि कात्तिक १ गते अज्ञात समूहले आक्रमण गरेको छ । पिप्रा प्र.ध. गाविसमा आयोजित चुनावी सभा सकाएर साइकलमा पतिसँग लहान फर्किने क्रममा सिसवनी गाविस-९ स्थित मेदनीपुरको पुल नजिक सात बजेतीर दुईओटा मोटरसाइकलमा आएका अज्ञात व्यक्तिहरूले आक्रमण गरेको पालले बताइन् । उनले आफूलार्य जथाभावी गालिगलौज र हातपात गरेको बताइन । आक्रमणबाट कपडा च्यातिएको र सामान्य चोटपटक लागेको उनले बताइन् । पीडित पाल र उनका पतिले हल्ला गर्न थालेपछि नजिकै